WorkFlex global Visa Navigator for HR & Employees

Visa and Travel Requirements

Easy visa information for your employees at your fingertips

Get answers which visa your employees need
See which documents from HR are needed
Learn which steps are necessary in order to obtain the visa
Second nationality
Zweite Staatangehörigkeit
Destination country
Residence country
Trip reason
Start of the trip
End of the trip
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Hundreds of companies trust WorkFlex
with their global travel compliance

New Product for HR Teams

Curious about
WorkFlex Visa Services?

Find out how you can outsource all your visa worries to WorkFlex.

Get answers to all your questions about visa
See how WorkFlex Visa Services works
Learn everything there is to know about travel visa for your employees 

Corporate solution

Global visa solutions for flawless business travel management


WorkFlex streamlines obtaining travel visas quickly and effortlessly, sparing you from administrative burden so that you and your employees can concentrate solely on their roles


Acknowledging the high sensitivity of visa application data, we prioritize its utmost confidentiality. Our WorkFlex software is ISO-certified, ensuring industry-leading protection


Our visa solution was created to enable worldwide operations while maintaining legal compliance for both your organization and business travelers

...but visa is only one part of business travel compliance

Risk assessment of WorkFlex global compliance engine

WHat about?

Other documentation needed:

Travel health insurance?

Our holistic software detects and addresses all compliance risks around business travel comprehensively. Streamline the process with WorkFlex, automating tasks and conveniently uploading all necessary documents to your account

With WorkFlex, visa is no longer a roadblock to business travel
& work from anywhere

Join hundreds of companies enabling workations and business travel while staying compliant